Get information on assistance with mortgage modifications, grants and gap loans, Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), and additional bank programs, trusted legal aide referrals provided.
For more information or to make an appointment with a Foreclosure Counselor, please call 718-522-2613 x316.
At IMPACCT Brooklyn, we understand that many small homes in Brooklyn suffer from inadequate insulation and ventilation, as well as outdated appliances and lighting. This results in high utility bills and poor indoor air quality, which is unacceptable. That’s why we’re taking action. Alongside Pratt Center and Cypress Hills, we are revamping our EnergyFit program to retrofit small homes for low-to-middle income families in Central and East Brooklyn over the next year.
EnergyFit is a free program that helps homeowners make critical repairs, seal and weatherize their homes, and upgrade to electric appliances—improvements valued between $20,000 and $25,000—so you can save money, breathe cleaner air, and keep your home comfortable all year round.
To see if you qualify for this program, please visit
Our Services Include:
First-Time Home Buyer Workshop and Click here or
Email Luis Hernandez for more information on making one-on-one appointments.
Topics covered include:
View our upcoming Post Purchase Workshops
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