Celebrate Black Business Month with IMPACCT Brooklyn


IMPACCT Brooklyn rapidly deployed Project ReStart in response to the COVID-19 lockdown on small businesses in March 2020. Project ReStart focuses on Black, women, and people of color-owned entities in Central Brooklyn. (Click here or click the thumbnail above to watch a short video on Project ReStart!)

Jumping into action, IMPACCT Brooklyn collaborated with the Small Business Legal Relief Alliance (SBLRA) spearheaded by the law firm Stroock, Stroock & Lavan and BOCNet, a New York-based community development financial institution. Together we help to provide legal counsel, support, technical assistance and much needed access to capital for these businesses to survive during and after the pandemic.

IMPACCT Brooklyn raised financial resources with help and support from our partners at Goldman Sachs, Donor-Advised Fund and the Citi Foundation, to supplement the need for commercial rent relief and ongoing technical assistance for a small, but significant cohort of Black-owned businesses. We continue to collaborate with others like the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce to provide on-the-ground support and to distribute over 15,000 packages of PPE and sanitizing products, along Washington and Flatbush avenues and other surrounding commercial corridors.

Black Business Month was founded to support and encourage African American-owned businesses in our communities. IMPACCT Brooklyn has helped Black-owned businesses throughout Central Brooklyn with financial and technical assistance for over twenty years. During the ongoing pandemic, we launched our Project ReStart Assistance Program and we encourage you to support our small business partners in Brooklyn, including:

Got an idea for a small business, but you’re not sure how to get it off the ground? Need help expanding? Contact Dale Charles & the IMPACCT Brooklyn Economic Development team and find out what we can do for you.

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